
Viral Videos for Shopify: Level Up Your Content

April 4, 2024

Marketers achieve a 34% higher conversion rate simply by using video content in their marketing campaigns.

But what about creating VIRAL videos with massive reach? Is there a secret formula for nailing it the first go-around? 

Creating a Shopify viral video, or just aiming to increase sales with Shopify videos, is no easy feat, but many businesses have successfully done so with their videos. 

In the following post, learn how to use video in your Shopify marketing strategy and explore real-life examples from successful companies. 

Shopify Marketing—The Basics of Video

One survey showed that 91% of businesses use video marketing, making it one of the top digital marketing strategies.  

Videos for Shopify marketing strategies are important to keep in your marketing toolbelt. 

Video marketing involves using videos to promote products, services, or a business.

It can take various forms, including short-form TikTok-style videos to long-form YouTube courses. Other popular video formats include unboxing videos, customer testimonials, and behind-the-scenes content.

What Are the Benefits of Video Marketing?

Video marketing has an advantage in Shopify content marketing strategies, as it takes your viewers into an immersive experience, and positions your brand as an authority.

Effective Video marketers employ storytelling techniques to build brand trust and loyalty. This builds trust with potential customers.

A great example of this is using video testimonials. This is especially true of Shopify influencer marketing. The more your audience trusts an influencer, the more powerful a piece of video marketing is for your marketing strategy. 

Video puts customers in the driver's seat, snuggly inside the story you're painting. 

The Power of Viral Videos: Measurable Impact

What happens when a piece of video marketing goes viral? Is it worth the effort? What kind of results can you really expect from a video for your Shopify marketing campaign? 

To answer those questions, exploring a couple of case studies is a good idea. 

Case Study: Dollar Shave Club 

Video Title: Our Blades Are F*cking Great (NSFW)

Platform: YouTube

Results: 27 million views in 1 month, 120,00 new subscribers in 48 hours. 

In 2012, Dollar Shave Club changed the way companies marketed their products. Their video used a quirky script, a charismatic founder, and a bit of humor to garner millions of views in just 48 hours, catapulting Dollar Shave Club into the mainstream.

Four years later, in 2016, Dollar Shave Club was sold to Unilever for $1 billion. The power of video can transform companies and lives when used effectively. 

But Dollar Shave Club isn't the only brand to ever use the power of a viral video.

Case Study: MVMT Watches

Video Title: Time Doesn't Stop. Neither Should You. (Stop Motion Animation)

Platform: YouTube

Results: Over 20 million views, significant brand awareness, and sales boost. 

In 2019, MVMT Watches launched a new video marketing campaign by creating a stop-motion video showcasing their minimalist timepieces. The video garnered over 20 million views and added profound brand awareness into the mix for MVMT. 

What About Video Marketing for Small Shopify Businesses? 

While these case studies present reliable evidence that video marketing works, you might wonder if they'll work for your Shopify marketing campaign. 

According to Wyzowl, 84% of consumers say they've been convinced to buy a product after watching a video about it.

For Shopify stores, internal data also shows that video content converts at a rate some 1.7 times higher than those using static images alone on social media. 

What does that mean for your small business? It means that even non-viral videos can seriously boost your small business's sales, particularly when paired with a well-thought-out Shopify influencer marketing campaign. 

Videos help build trust, showcase your product in working conditions, and connect you with your target audience. 

The bottom line is video marketing works—even for the smallest of eCommerce stores. 

Should You Outsource Your Videos or Use Your Internal Marketing Team?

Now that you know that videos work for even the smallest business, the question is, how do you make them work for you? 

The initial hurdle to overcome is whether to outsource your videos or use an internal marketing team to build video content for your Shopify product. 

Let's briefly compare the differences between each option. 

In-House Production

Pros: Maintains brand voice and control and fosters team creativity. 

Cons: It requires equipment investment, expensive in-house personnel, and a learning curve. 

Whether to do your video production in-house or outsource it might depend on your budget and desire for creative input. Take our previously mentioned Dollar Shave Club case study, for example. 

Dollar Shave Club's viral video was shot on a shoestring budget of around $4,500 with in-house talent (literally, the founder was the spokesperson in the video). 

You can do in-house video production if you have the basic video equipment required. The benefits of doing this include a consistent brand voice and unlimited creative potential. 

Outsourced Production 

Pros: Access to professional videographers, editors, and creative expertise. 

Cons: Higher initial cost, potential communication gaps, and less control. 

While Dollar Shave Club's project was shot on a low budget, some concepts require more production, which requires a professional outsourced video production team. 

Take the other Case Study we mentioned earlier: MVMT's stop-motion video. The complexities of stop-motion animation require skilled artists and professional studio and editing equipment. 

The benefits of outsourcing your video production include unlimited professional expertise and a very polished outcome. 

Ultimately, deciding whether to do your video production in-house or outsource depends on how much creative control you want and how large your budget may be. 

How Can You Make the Most of Your Traffic?

But once you've created the video and have insane views rolling in, the next question is, how do you make the traffic permanent?

Retargeting for Sustained Engagement 

One option is to retarget your campaign. Retargeting allows you to serve targeted ads to views who previously viewed or interacted with it. This could include website visitors or individuals who have watched your video content. Share relevant product ads or special offers to re-engage an already warmed audience, increasing your conversion rates. 

A/B Testing to Optimize Your Conversion Funnel 

Another way to capitalize on those views is to A/B test! Test out different video calls to action (CTAs), landing page variations, and product placements within your video—primarily if you use Shopify influencer marketing strategies. Even minor tweaks can have a significant impact on your ultimate campaign outcome. 

Ask Viewers to Share the Video 

Allow your viewers to easily share your video by making it embeddable for social media and websites. This is a great way to expand your organic reach. 

It's also a good idea to cross-promote your video, say from an influencer, on your social media platforms via ads if your agreement allows it. Targeted paid promotion can significantly increase your reach and drive qualified leads. 

Tips for Crafting Viral Videos for Your Shopify Store

Tip #1. Make it emotional.

Marketing should be emotional. What type of emotion you decide to evoke in your audience is ultimately your choice, but the best emotions include hope, fear, and anger. Align your emotional messaging with your goals for the best results. 

Tip #2. Create a story.

Storytelling is etched into our DNA. Use it in your video marketing campaign if you want to be remembered by your audience. Increase your storytelling capacity and watch engagement in your videos increase. 

Tip #3. Problem solve.

Everyone wants a solution to their problem. Create a story that's engaging and solves their problems, and your videos will fare much better with any audience. 

Tip #4. Keep it short.

According to research, our attention spans are now shorter than goldfish, and even senior executives would rather watch a video than spend time reading text when an option is available. 

Tip #5. Leverage social media trends.

One of the easiest ways to get lots of eyeballs on your videos is to hop on the latest social media trends, especially if you're using Shopify influencer marketing. Search for the latest online trends and then create a suitable video idea. 

Tip #6. Use paid promotion.

Don't be afraid to use other paid promotion methods for video marketing. For instance, social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram allow Shopify store owners to pay for ads to get in front of the right audience. If you have the budget, consider using paid promotion for your video. 

Tip #7. Don't forget a Call To Action (CTA)

Every video you make should include a call to action. That CTA could be as small as signing up for a free email series or buying the product. However, plan a CTA in each video to maximize your campaign. 

Tip #8. Stay engaged with your community. 

Video is an easier format to get people to engage with than text. To maximize your engagement, don't miss this opportunity to communicate one-on-one with your audience in the comments section of an influencer's video post or your own videos. 

Putting It All Together

No one can guarantee any video will go viral. But, if you use the formula we've outlined, these strategies can increase your chances of creating a video that goes wild online. 

Remember, the ultimate success of your video campaign leans heavily on captivating concepts, strategic planning, and a well-defined post-viral strategy. 

Take inspiration from the case studies and use them to build a powerful campaign that works in the favor of your Shopify store. 

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